The Beşiktaş executive, connecting to the live broadcast of AsistAnaliz Radyo had stated that the fans are pretty right about Babel. According to him, there is no footballer or club who is bigger than Besiktas club and they want to defend them from Babel. He says that they are going to evaluate and is going to give him the necessary punishment.
What happened?
Babel has commented on the criticism regarding the money which had been received from the clubs prior to Besiktas Babel. He rude said who would like to meet him again. In a short time, Babel responded to the defense of Besiktas. He announced that they can defend and the defense of the players after the disciplinary action that had been given to him for informing the public that some punishment has to be given.
Besiktas Club is known to have made a statement that Ryan Babel, the football player from their club is unacceptable to the support which is provided to a supporter of social media.